Neira Rodríguez, Joselyn Ivette

Cognitive approach to enhance vocabulary in 8TH graders at unidad educativa Teodoro Wolf. - La Libertad Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena 2022 - 62 páginas - Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros No. 014 .

Background.--Facilitating the Acquisition of Receptive Vocabulary Knowledge among EFL Undergraduates Using a Cognitive Approach.--Teaching strategies and learning cognitive processes of the prepositions at, in and on.-- Cognitive approach to the expansion of the foreign language for students of Russian philology.-- Pedagogical Basis.-- Cognitive Approach in the Process of Learning.-- Cognitive Approaches to Second Language Acquisition.-- What is Vocabulary?.-- Vocabulary and its importance in Language Learning.-- The Teaching of Vocabulary.-- A large vocabulary helps develop other language skills.--The Grammar Translation Method.-- Ways to Teach Vocabulary to English Language Learners.-- What is the Cognitive approach to classroom management?


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