Baquerizo Figueroa, Bryan Damian

Community language teaching to enhance speaking skills for 10th graders at unidad educativa Dr. Luis Célleri Avilés - La Libertad Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena 2022 - 63 páginas - Pedagogía de los Idiomas Nacionales y Extranjeros No. 002 .

Communicative language ,-- Cbjectives related to communicative language teaching method.-- characteristics of communicative language teaching.-- Oral expression and comprehension.—Definition.-- The impact of communicative language teaching on the acquisition of the speaking skills.-- The effect of using communicative language teaching on speaking skills.-- The appropriate application of the communicative language teaching method during the learning process.—Definition.-- Learning metohds that can be used in the communicative language teaching method.-- Classroom activities in communicative language teaching.-- Teacher’s role in clt.-- The role of students in clt.-- Variables of study.


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