Petroleum Engineering Handbook Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics - USA : Society of Petroleum Engineers-SPE, 2007 - 762 páginas V(B) 902 páginas V (A)

Incluye figuras,tablas y apendices.

Reservoir Geology.-- Fundamentals of Geophysics.-- Petrophysics.-- Resistivity and SP Logging.-- Acoustic Logging.-- Nuclear Logging.-- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applications in Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation.-- Mud Logging.-- Specialized Well-Logging Topics.-- Petrophysical Applications.-- Production Logging.-- The Single-Well Chemical Tracer Test-a Method for Measuring Reservoir Fluid Saturations in Situ.-- Well-to Well Tracer Tests.-- Reservoir Pressure and Temperature.-- Fluid Flow Through Permeable Media.-- Oil Reservoir Primary Drive Mechanisms.-- Gas Reservoirs.-- Waterflooding.—Inmiscible Gas Injection in Oil Reservoirs.-- Polymers, Gels, Foams and Resins.—Miscible Processes.-- Thermal Recovery by Steam Injection.—In-situ Combustion.—Estimation of Primary Reserves of Crude Oil, natural gas, and Condensate.—Valuation of Oil and Gas Reserves.—Reservoir Managenent Programs



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