The science of electronics digital

Floyd, Thomas

The science of electronics digital - New Jersey Pearson Education, Inc. 2005 - 472 páginas

Incluye índice, figuras, tablas, problemas, ejemplos

Chapter 1. Digital Quantities and Functions.-- Analog and digital quantities.-- Binary numbers.-- Hexadecimal and octal numbers.-- Number Systems on the calculator.-- Logic levels and digital waveforms.-- Elements of a digital system.-- Introductión to instruments.
Chapter 2. Logic Gates: And, Or, and Inverter.-- Basic logic functions.-- The AND Gate.-- The Or Gate.-- The inverter.-- Boolean Algebra Applied to AND, OR, and NOT.-- Integrated circuits.-- Troubleshootings.
Chapter 3. Logic Gates: Nand and Nor.-- The NAND Gate.-- The NOR Gate.-- Boolean Algebra Applied to NADN and NOR.-- Integrated circuits.-- Troubleshooting.
Chapter 4. Logic Gate Combinations.-- Exclusive-OR (XOR) Gate.-- Exclusive-NOR (XOR) Gate.-- AND-OR/AND-OR-Invert Logic.-- Boolean Algebra Applied to Gate combinations.-- Standard forms of combinacional logic.-- Karnaugh Maps.
Chapter 5. Arithmetic Logic and Processes.-- Binary Adders.-- The parallel binary adder.-- 1´s and 2´s complements.-- Binary subtraction.-- Binary multiplecation and division.-- Floating-point numbers.-- The magnitude comparator.
Chapter 6. Binary Code and Data Logic.-- Binary codes.-- Decoders.-- Encoders.-- Data selectors.
Chapter 7. Latches, Flip-Flops, and Timers.-- The set*reset (S-R) latch.-- Gated latches.-- The D flip-flop.-- The J-K flip-flop.-- The one-shot.-- The 555 timer.
Chapter 8. Counters.-- Counting with binary numbers.-- The binary counter.-- The decade counter.-- Counter decoging.-- A counter apllication.
Chapter 9. Shift Registers.-- Basic shift register functions.-- Serial imput shift registers.-- Parallel input shift registers.-- Bidirectional shift registers.-- Shift register counters.-- Integrated circuits.-- Applications.
Chapter 10. Programmable Logic.-- Programamalbe logic devices (PLDs).-- Programmable Array logic (PAL).-- Generic Array logic (GAL).-- CPLDs and FPGAs.-- PLD programming.-- Introduction to VHDL.
Chapter 11. Computer Basics.-- The basic computer system.-- Microprocessors.-- Semiconductor memory organization.-- RAM.-- ROM.-- Mass storage devices.-- Computer programming.
Chapter 12. Digital Signal Processing.-- Digital singal processing basics.-- Converting analog signals to digital.-- Analog-to-digital conversión methods.-- The digital signal processor (DSP).-- Digital-to-Analog.-- Conversión methods.
Appendix A. Summary of Boolean Algebra.-- Appendix B. Lab Manual Art.-- Answers to Odd-Numbered Questions.-- Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems



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